Light gives energy

When the light returns, we usually get more strength to grab things that didn't get rid of during the winter. We can become more social or have the strength to start exercising again.

But for some it can be the opposite, light can trigger anxiety and depression.

Once bright daylight does seep in, it can be difficult to manage due to the lack of anti-inflammatory wavelengths of light.

Everything has its explanation in how light-controlled our body is. In the body's production of hormones, signaling substances and many enzymes, there are receptors for light in different wavelengths. Natural light optimizes the function of the subjects.

So – out into the light now! Start by going out early. Catch the morning light and then morning light around 10 o'clock. It doesn't matter if it's cloudy, the light still reaches the brain and your hormones get the signals at the right time.

Exercise outdoors. Take a walk and see if there is an outdoor gym nearby.

Minerals are needed for energy

Get moving then, how do you get more energy? In addition to light, minerals are needed. Minerals are the cornerstones of processes in the body, including energy production.

A dose of easily absorbed minerals in liquid form before and after physical exertion can do the trick.

Dissolved trace minerals and mineral-rich lotions:

  • are easy to take up and use in muscles
  • can counteract tired feeling in arms and legs
  • prevents and relieves exercise soreness
  • easy to dose and take with you
  • acts directly via drink or through the skin.

Mineral drops can be mixed in a bottle with water and taken with you during the day.

Start with a few drops in a glass of water or juice. If you have a sensitive stomach, it is better to dilute them in a smoothie or some milk. You can also drip on the food. Increase by a couple of drops a day. Via the skin, no getting used to it is needed - full dose straight away!

You can rub mineral-rich lotion or spray on muscles and joints before and after exercise. The tissues then get plenty of available magnesium to create energy and counteract exercise pain.

Combining minerals via the skin with eating/drinking them gives a comprehensive effect.

Everyday tip: liquid minerals can be dripped into a drink or rubbed into the skin. A bottle in your pocket for more functions.

Sinking into a warm magnesium-saturated bath is not just a pleasant experience. It provides better sleep, relieves soreness and stiffness and saturates magnesium levels in muscles and joints.

Relieving soreness and stiffness with tiger salve is classic. Now there is an ointment with magnesium, chili extract and essential oils.

Potassium for the muscles

In addition to sodium and magnesium, potassium is an important mineral for muscle, nerve and heart function. If you train hard or sweat a lot, recharge with a potassium-rich supplement

Ancient Lakes Essential Electrolytes is a nice support both for you who have been exhausted and want to start moving again or you who are used to athletes. 1/3 – ½ teaspoon in water or other drink perks up. Potassium is important for mineral balance and can strengthen endurance in muscles.

Don't forget the recovery! Rest and true darkness in the evening and night time recharges you for light and activity the next day.

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